november, 2018

Event Details
R-S Theatrics Presents Every Brilliant Thing November 16 - December 2, 2018 Fridays, Saturdays 8:00 PM Sundays 7:00 PM $20 General Admission $18 Student/Senior When a six-year-old starts a list of every brilliant thing
Event Details
R-S Theatrics
Every Brilliant Thing
November 16 – December 2, 2018
Fridays, Saturdays 8:00 PM
Sundays 7:00 PM
$20 General Admission
$18 Student/Senior
When a six-year-old starts a list of every brilliant thing in life to encourage her despondent mother, little does she know that the list will take on a life of its own and thread its way throughout the girl’s life. Hilarious and heartbreaking, this one-woman show reminds us to celebrate the beauty in our lives and in those we love.
November 16 (Friday) 8:00 pm - December 2 (Sunday) 11:50 pm
Kranzberg Arts Center
510 N. Grand Blvd.